Morobo residents call for an end to fighting so humanitarians can reach people in need

Morobo residents call for an end to fighting so humanitarians can reach people in need

Morobo residents call for an end to fighting so humanitarians can reach people in need

30 Jan 2018

Morobo residents call for an end to fighting so humanitarians can reach people in need

James Sokiri

Residents of Morobo village in the Yei region of South Sudan are calling for an immediate end to ongoing fighting in the region to allow humanitarian aid to reach civilians in need.

The Chairwoman of Morobo County, Joyce Adia Mule, said that many internally displaced people and refugees who fled to neighbouring countries are eager to return to their homes but they were too afraid to come back because of the ongoing conflict.

“Those who are still fighting should think of their relatives, their children, their brothers and sisters who are suffering in IDP camps or outside the country as refugees,” she said.

“Hunger is killing us. We have been forced to change our eating habits of at least three meals a day to a meal a day, or sometimes only a bowl of porridge,” said Ms. Mule.

During an integrated patrol by UN peacekeepers to Moboro, residents said, while they have chosen to return, life remains very difficult as their homes have been burnt, schools and clinics have been vandalized and crops pillaged, making it difficult to rebuild lives.

“I appeal to all relief actors to run to our rescue and provide us with food, shelter and medicine to help save lives, said Ms Mule.

“We do not want to see our children suffer from malnutrition.”