News Stories

unmiss women grassroots peace south sudan decision-making united nations un peacekeeping

At a two-day workshop facilitated by UNMISS in Northern Bahr El Ghazal for some 65 traditional leaders, spirited discussions revolved around the need for women's full participation in galvanizing the ongoing peace process in South Sudan as well as harnessing the expertise and influence of customary leaders to shape a brighter future for this young nation. Photo by Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS

UNMISS south sudan united nations un peacekeeping rule of law justice democracy courts training peacekeepers election

In Kuajok, more than 40 public prosecutors, justice actors, and law enforcers from the South Sudan National Police Service, the Corrections Service, the High Court, and local government actors came together in a three-day workshop facilitated by UNMISS. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS

unmiss tambura peacebuilding conflict footbal south sudan western equatoria peacekeeping united nations

In Tambura, Western Equatoria, calm and stability are gradually returning. To consolidate this fragile peace, UNMISS recently held a two-day workshop for youth and a football match here. The aim: To promote social cohesion. Photo by Felix Katie/UNMISS

UNMISS International Women's Day Margaret South Sudan Women Peace Security Women's History Month

Margaret Othow, an electrician working with UNMISS in Malakal, speaks about being the only woman in her team and choosing to train in what is considered an unusual profession for women in South Sudan. Photo by Samson Liberty/UNMISS

unmiss international women's day transitional legislative assembly education south sudan elections constitution united nations unpeacekeeping unmiss

Victoria Chon, an 82-year-old South Sudanese lawmaker is an inspiration to women and young girls across the world. She believes education for all is essential for the world's newest nation to successfully complete its democratic transition. Photo by Gregorio Cunha/UNMISS

UNMISS constitution politics peace security elections south sudan united nations UNDP UNHCR

A two-day consultation in Bor saw cogent discussions on key issues - full and equal participation of women and displaced people in constitution-making; fortified security structures as well as upcoming elections. 89 participants attended this meeting, jointly facilitated by UNMISS, UNDP and UNHCR. Photo by Angellah Mandoreba/UNMISS

unmiss protection of civilians reintegration peace elections south sudan united nations unpeacekeeping

At a recent workshop in Panyume, South Sudan, facilitated by UNMISS, tackled tough topics - sexual and gender-based violence, intercommunal conflict, human rights and the role of citizens in upcoming elections. The consensus: peace begins with collective efforts to safeguard every individual's rights and dignity. Photo by James Sokiri/UNMISS

unmiss protection of civilians human rights ethics journalism bor south sudan united nations un peacekeeping peacekeepers

Given the importance of journalism in shaping a democratic way of life as well as creating a vibrant, open civic space, UNMISS recently facilitated a training on ethical media practices for 30 journalists as well as civil society representatives in Bor, South Sudan. Photo by Angellah Mandoreba/UNMISS

unmiss south korea peace education engineers development protection of civilians bor Jonglei south sudan peacekeepers united nations UN peacekeeping

To build trust and confidence among local populations, South Korean peacekeepers from UNMISS recently handed over scholastic material and sports items to students from five primary schools in Bor, as well as to the Dr John Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology and five schools in Bor, Jonglei state. Photo by Angellah Mandoreba/UNMISS.
