News Stories

unmiss tambura conflict armed attacks humanitarian assistance peacekeepers peacekeeping united nations south sudan western equatoria violence displaced displacement fighting christmas

The holiday season is upon us, and displaced people sheltering at the UNMISS temporary base in Tambura believe it is time to be joyous and grateful that they are alive despite celebrating their second Christmas away from home as they continue to be fearful despite relative peace. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS.

unmiss south sudan western equatoria state tambura quick impact projects returnees idps health facility

Residents of Kpatanayo village, having returned home from displacement, waiting for the inauguration ceremony of an UNMISS-funded healthcare centre. Photos: Denis Louro/UNMISS

unmiss eastern equatoria recovery conflict cattle raids reconciliation resilience kapoeta united nations south sudan peacekeepers peacekeeping rule of law

In Kapoeta, Eastern Equatoria, community leaders and county officials have participated in an UNMISS-facilitated forum that aimed at providing them greater clarity on conflict management principles as well as upholding the rule of law. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS

unmiss undp cattle migration farmer herder conflict mobile court south sudan un peacekeeping united nations

As seasonal cattle migration is set to begin early next year in South Sudan, farmers and herders from Warrap and Western Bahr El Ghazal meet at a three-day interstate conference jointly hosted by UNMISS and UNDP. The aim: To prevent conflict, ensure peaceful resolution of disputes. Photo by Michael Wondi/UNMISS
