News Stories

unmiss south sudan lakes state disability inclusion women's rights businesswoman activist

With her customized motorbike, Khana Akur Majak in Rumbek does not allow her disability to define her. Instead, she's a much-admired businesswoman and advocate of the rights of women and the disabled. Photos: Nina Zubovic Vignjevic/UNMISS

UNMISS disabled disability south sudan western equatoria 16 Days women's rights disability advocate

Stephen Gabriel Ndumuku, a carpenter from Western Equatoria, cannot use his legs to full capacity. But, this inspirational man uses his talent in woodwork to support six children and calls for inclusion as South Sudan heads towards its first-ever elections. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS

UNMISS disabled disability south sudan eastern equatoria 16 Days women's rights disability advocate

Laduma Patricia Egan from Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan knows how to transform the cards dealt to her into a winning hand. This disability and women's rights advocate has been on crutches ever since she can remember but that hasn't stopped her from being a beacon of hope for her people. Photo by Okello James/UNMISS

unmiss 16 days of activism women peace security south sudan gender equality upper nile conflict food entrepreneurship

Ten enterprising women from Upper Nile, South Sudan, took loans to gather seed money and launch a food business with a little help and encouragement from UNMISS. Photo by Samson Liberty/UNMISS

unmiss women  youth northern bahr el ghazal political participation peace process revitalized peace agreement south sudan united nations un peacekeeping peacekeepers

At an UNMISS forum, women and young people in Northern Bahr El Ghazal, South Sudan, have asked to be fully and meaningfully included in political and peace processes. Photo by Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS

UNMISS 16 Days Quick Impact Project South Sudan united nations school education western equatoria peace stabilization

An UNMISS-funded project - the construction of a secondary school in remote Kediba, South Sudan - is expected to boost literacy rates, ensure girls and boys receive equal learning opportunities, and enable students to pursue higher education without having to move away from their homes. Photo by Martin Siba/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan jonglei bor south korea peacekeepers un medals engineering troops dykes roads

South Korean engineering troops serving with UNMISS in Jonglei recently received UN medals for their hard and high quality work. Photos: Gideon Sackitey & Mach Samuel/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan western equatoria state tambura unpol training crime investigation women peace security 16 days of activism

Female police officers in Tambura want more women in their ranks. Most law enforcement agents at a recent training were men. Photos: Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan lakes state rumbek child protection paramount chiefs traditional leaders peace

Traditional leaders from five counties in Lakes State have been learning more about how to better prevent and report violations of children. Photo: James Mawien Manyuol/UNMISS
