News Stories

UNMISS protection of civilians Jean-Pierre Lacroix Under-Secretary-General peace security displaced people peacekeeping United Nations South Sudan Malakal flooding

The Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, visits Malakal, Upper Nile, as part of his four-day peace mission to South Sudan. Photo by Isaac Billy/UNMISS.

unmiss south sudan usg jean-pierre lacroix nicholas haysom salva kiir president security arrangements sector reform unified forces peace process

Jean-Pierre Lacroix, chief of UN Peace Operations, and Nicholas Haysom, Head of UNMISS, have discussed security arrangements and the peace process with President Salva Kiir. Photos: Isaac Billy/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan western equatoria state tambura armed conflict internally displaced persons suffering women children protection of civilians

Thousands of people living in Tambura have fled their homes to escape violence. Some are seeking shelter near the UNMISS temporary operating base. Photos: Denis Louro Oliver/UNMISS

unmiss un peacekeeping south sudan under secretary-general juba jean-pierre lacroix peace process

Jean-Pierre Lacroix, the UN chief of peace operations, arriving in Juba in an attempt to re-energize the somewhat stalling implementation of South Sudan's peace agreement. Photos: Isaac Billy/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan eastern equatoria state quick impact project community school classrooms

Happy times as children in a rural community in Eastern Equatoria State receive three new classrooms for their school. Photos: Okello James/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan western equatoria state tambura press release protection of civilians patrolling enable humanitarian action

Frequent patrols in the Western Equatorian area currently experiencing unrest is one of many actions by UNMISS to deter violence and protect civilians. Photos: Denis Louro Oliver & Felix Katie/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan western equatoria state tambura ezo wau idps protection of civilians patrols ethiopian peacekeepers

UNMISS peacekeepers from Ethiopia guarding church premises in Tambura where internally displaced persons are seeking protection from ongoing violence. Photos: Felix Katie/UNMISS
