News Stories

Working in partnership with the South Sudan Women’s Empowerment Network and generous donors, the Mission hosted a two-day workshop for young women members of the reconstituted Transitional National Legislative Assembly to build their capacity.

Working in partnership with the South Sudan Women’s Empowerment Network and donors, UNMISS hosted a workshop for young female members of parliament to build their capacity. Photos: Isaac Billy/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan eastern equatoria state women's rights conflict resolution harmful cultural practices

It's never too early to start learning. Some women at a workshop in Eastern Equatoria State brought their little ones along. Photos: Moses Yakudu/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan unity state bentiu qip police station rule of law

There was joy all around when UNMISS handed over a newly constructed police station in Bentiu. Photos: Rosilene Nkwelle Nzelle Nahvoma/UNMISS
