
UNMISS protection of civilians female peacekeepers women South Sudan peacekeeping International Women's Day

All-women peacekeeping teams across South Sudan are having an immediate impact in forging connections with women and children in the world's newest country, especially as it battles the global COVID-19 pandemic.

UNMISS protection of civilians protection Koch temporary operating base peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping armed clashes

UNMISS peacekeepers from Ghana stationed at a nearby temporary operating base are patrolling in and around Jahjah village in Koch county after a recent armed clash here.

UNMISS protection of civilians intercommunal clashes peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping Mongolia cattle raids revenge attacks Mayom

Force Commander Shailesh Tinaikar recently visited the UNMISS temporary operating base in Mayom, Unity state, to assess the security conditions on the ground. Peacekeepers from Mongolia stationed here continue to patrol and build confidence among community members following an outbreak of intercommunal conflict, revenge attacks and cattle raids last year.

UNMISS reconciliation COVID-19 peacekeepers peacekeeping protection of civilians Gumuruk Jonglei India South Sudan intercommunal violence cattle raids

Indian peacekeepers from UNMISS have set up a temporary base in Gumuruk in the Jonglei region of South Sudan to reduce intercommunal tensions and build confidence among local communities here. Force Commander Shailesh Tinaikar visited Gumuruk on 10 Febriary 2020 to assess the security situation and meet with local leaders and community members.

UNMISS David Shearer Press Conference Juba Road Repairs Protection of Civilians Subnational violence peace process elections

Proactive and agile responses by UNMISS peacekeepers to a recent upsurge in sub-national violence and the need to pick up pace in implementing the 2018 Peace Agreement were key issues addressed by David Shearer, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative in South Sudan, at a press conference in Juba on 9 February 2021.

The proactive response by UNMISS peacekeepers to a recent upsurge in sub-national violence and updates on the transition of UN Protection Sites into camps for internally displaced people were key issues addressed by David Shearer, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative in South Sudan, at a press conference held in the mission’s headquarters in Juba on 9 February 2021.
