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28 January 2013 – Fleeing clashes that erupted in Jonglei State's Pibor town yesterday, residents have been taking refugee at two UNMISS county support bases (CSBs) in the area.
Although South Sudan has vast agricultural potential, some 51 per cent of its people live below the poverty line, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. The country has vast agricultural potential, but many vegetables and other food items are still imported from neighbouring countries.
23 January 2013 - The security situation in Central Equatoria's Yei County has greatly improved since violence broke out a month ago, County Commissioner Juma David Augustine said today.
23 January 2013 - Prisons officers in Lakes State must take advantage of every available resource to enhance their capacity, the state Director of Prisons said today.
23 January 2013 - Some 40 animals received treatment during a free veterinary camp conducted by the UNMISS Indian Battalion in the Upper Nile state capital Malakal today.
One of 40 animals to receive free treatment during a veterinary clinic held by the UNMISS Indian Battalion in the Upper Nile State capital Malakal on 23 January. Photo: UNMISS/Nyang Touch.
As part of a continuing effort to tackle unrest in Jonglei State, the South Sudanese Presidential Committee for Peace, Reconciliation and Tolerance in Jonglei organized a peace planning workshop in the capital Bor from 3 to 5 April.
22 January 2013 - The inauguration of the National Elections Commission (NEC) in Juba today marked another key step in South Sudan's journey towards electoral democracy, according to national authorities and representatives of the international community who attended the event.
21 January 2013 - South Sudan has laid one of the key building blocks for democracy by establishing a rule of law system, said the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for South Sudan, Hilde F.
16 January 2013 – As the number of children living and working on the streets of the Western Bahr El-Ghazal capital Wau continues to cause grave concern, the state's Child Protection Working Group unveiled an action plan today aimed at addressing the problem.