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5 December 2012 - UNMISS was boosting its staff and offices at state and county levels to better work with state structures at all levels, the head of UNMISS said yesterday during a two-day visit to Eastern Equatoria state.
4 December 2012 - Seeking to increase awareness of UNMISS' role following recent bombings in the border area, Northern Bahr El-Ghazal State Coordinator Seth Kumi briefed journalists in Aweil today.
1 December 2012 - HIV/AIDS-affected orphans urged the Western Bahr El-Ghazal State government to support their lives and educational needs during World AIDS Day celebrations today in the capital Wau.
8 November 2012 - Large-scale violence and civilian casualties have decreased in South Sudan, but the risk of new conflict remains high, says Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in his latest report on the country.
30 November 2012 - South Sudan will join the world on 1 December to commemorate World AIDS Day, which aims to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS and demonstrate international solidarity in the face of the pandemic.
28 November 2012 - The single biggest humanitarian need for South Sudan was development, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) and UN Humanitarian Coordinator said in Juba today.
28 November 2012 - To enlighten prison officers about their service's Strategic Development Plan, UNMISS conducted a one-day sensitization workshop in Upper Nile State today.
28 November 2012 - With special emphasis on the importance of education, UNMISS held a one-day workshop for six women's groups today in the Northern Bahr El-Ghazal capital Aweil on women's rights and gender equality.
27 November 2012 - South Sudanese should focus on the economic value of their crops and animals, President Salva Kiir stressed today in Juba during the country's second agricultural trade fair.
26 November 2012 - South Sudan could become an exemplary nation if it continued to promote human rights and affirmative action for women, a Human Rights Commission official said in Juba today.