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8 May 2012 - To upgrade the skills of student nurses in Wau, Western Bahr El-Ghazal State, UNMISS Chinese hospital held a one-day seminar today for 30 students of Mary Help Nursing College.
10 May 2012 - Five women in the Jonglei State capital of Bor shared their experiences with abuse, child abductions, insecurity and forced marriages today with a UN human rights chief visiting the area.
10 May 2012 - A top UN human rights official today urged the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) to respect people's rights in Jonglei State, where it is currently conducting civilian disarmament.
9 May 2012 - Churches in South Sudan were vital in mediating and realizing peace in the new nation, UNMISS head Hilde F. Johnson said today in the Central Equatoria town of Yei.
3 May 2012 - To rehabilitate legal institutions in Upper Nile State, the Rule of Law Forum held its first meeting after a two year hiatus in the capital Malakal.
Juba, 07 April 2012 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for South Sudan, Hilde F.
Juba, 16 April 2012 - The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) is concerned about the continued aerial bombing in areas populated by civilians in Unity and Warrap States.
5 April 2012 - Boosting prospects for peace in Jonglei, traditional leaders from six communities signed an historic agreement today in the capital Bor to end inter-tribal conflict in the state.
3 May 2012 – The Sudanese government confirmed today that it would assist with an airlift from Khartoum to Juba of 12-15,000 South Sudanese currently stranded in the Sudanese town of Kosti, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
4 May 2012 - To sensitize civil society members about their role in promoting democratic governance and rule of law, UNMISS organized a one-day workshop today in the Eastern Equatoria State capital of Torit.