
unmiss south sudan yambio maridi main supply route road rehabilitation bangladeshi engineering troops

No more inspections of progress made on the rehabilitation of the road from Maridi to Yambio, because it has now been completed by UNMISS engineers from Bangladesh.

unmiss south sudan northern bahr el ghazal aweil transitional justice hybrid court truth commission compensation reparation revitalized peace agreement implementation

What are the transitional justice mechanisms enshrined in the revitalized peace agreement and how can they be established? Participants at this UNMISS-led workshop in Aweil had a lot to ponder. Photo: Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS

UNMISS intercommunal violence cattle migration aneet displacement twic warrap peacekeepers peacekeeping

Following escalating cross-border and intercommunal clashes between Twic, South Sudan and the Abyei Special Administrative Region, UNMISS has increased its protective presence through patrols and community engagement. The main aim: To reduce tensions and begin peace dialogues among feuding parties. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS

UNMISS south sudan jonglei rule of law police partnerships peace security crime community watch group

Ensuring law and order is upheld requires a collective commitment from all citizens. UNMISS, in Jonglei, held a capacity-building workshop for members of the Community Watch Group, a coalition of residents at the Bor camp for internally displaced persons who contribute to ensuring the safety and security of people living here; host populations and local police. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS.

UNMISS south sudan peacekeepers women peace security western equatoria united nations peacekeeping

Full and equal participation of women in peace and security issues as well as deciding the future of South Sudan is a worthy cause to lobby for, as 55 women leaders participating in an UNMISS training point out. Photo by Felix Francis Katie/UNMISS

UNMISS womens history month women peace security tambura conflict western equatoria south sudan united nations un peacekeeping

The power of sport to unite people was in full display at a friendly football match between a local girls' team and a lineup of elderly men, as 4,000 onlookers cheered on and enjoyed a joyous afternoon in conflict-ridden Tambura, Western Equatoria. Photo by Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS

UNMISS south sudan displacement magwi eastern equatoria farmer herder clashes

In Magwi, Eastern Equatoria, some 14,000 farming communities have been displaced following a mass influx of cattle herders and subsequent violence caused when grazing animals destroyed croplands. UNMISS is engaging with authorities and communities to reduce tensions, plus keep people safe. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS
