
unmiss south sudan malakal upper nile state unpol training human rights police prison inmates crime prevention

Police and Corrections Officers in Malakal had a lot to take in when being trained by UN Police serving on human rights and crime prevention. Photos: Samson Liberty/UNMISS

unmiss south sudan western equatoria state yambio bangladesh engineering football ground friendly game road rehabilitation

People around the world want to play football. In Makpandu, Western Equatoria State, that dream came true thanks to UNMISS engineering troops from Bangladesh.

unmiss south sudan jonglei upper nile pigi county demining minefields floods assessment risk education

It may look idyllic, but the presence of a minefield is a threat to these villagers in Pigi County. Floods have so far made clearance of the area impossible. Photos: Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS
