
unmiss south sudan protection of civilians engineers hospital renovation humanitarian assistance Abienmom peacekeepers peacekeeping hospital COVID-19 coronavirus

Mongolian peacekeepers serving with UNMISS used their engineering expertise to renovate the Abiemnhom Hospital which was in disrepair after years of war. They repaired and painted walls, fixed the electricity supply and extended the cabling system so that it reaches all the hospital’s main rooms. The engineers created a special isolation room for COVID-19 patients, installed new water tanks, hand washing facilities, and handed over a wide variety of medical supplies.

unmiss south sudan juba protection of civilians COVID-19 precautions WHO coronavirus social distancing outreach sensitization

UNMISS has partnered with the newly-formed Citizens Taskforce on Covid-19, a group comprising of citizens from every walk of life in South Sudan, to address misconceptions about coronavirus and complement efforts made by government authorities to tackle the pandemic.

unmiss south sudan protection of civilians child soldiers humanitarian partners Yambio peacekeepers peacekeeping vocational skills reintegration

With newly-acquired skills courtesy a six-month vocational training programme, Malis*, a former child soldier, has started a carpentry workshop in Yambio where he uses his talents to produce necessary items for the local community at affordable rates.
