
unmiss peace international day united nations south sudan durable peace peacekeeping peacekeepers warrap tonj conflict peacebuilding quick impact projects QIPs

For residents of Tonj North county, Warrap, International Day of Peace led to a much-needed boost in rule of law as UNMISS handed over a newly constructed prison and courthouse. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians Quick Impact Project QIPs Yambio peacebuilding peacekeeping South Sudan Western Equatoria Interfaith Council peace

A newly constructed peace center in Yambio was handed over to local interlocuters by UNMISS to mark International Day of Peace. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS.

unmiss protection of civilians Warrap Tonj cattle raids intercommunal clashes

UNMISS Force Commander, Lieutenant-General Shailesh Tinaikar, and a high-level delegation of authorities recently visited Marial Lou following recent conflict here. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS

UNMISS protection of civilians South Sudan UNPOL police capacity building police community relations bor jonglei united nations peacekeeping peacekeepers

Two new Police Community Relations Committees have been formally inaugurated in Bor county, Jonglei state. These Committees help local law enforcement be more efficient and effective plus engender community ownership of law and order. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS
