
UNMISS protection of civilians ambushes displaced civilians peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping United Nations Western Equatoria

UNMISS recently undertook a two-week fact-finding mission to remote villages in Western Equatoria, South Sudan. The objective was to investigate repeated attacks on travellers on the main route to the country's capital, Juba. Photo by Martin Siba/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians peace process dialogue central equatoria juba peacekeepers united nations peacekeeping

A three-day forum facilitated by UNMISS in Juba, South Sudan, brought together all stakeholders in Central Equatoria state, to discuss contributions to a peaceful, prosperous state. Photo by Moses Pasi/UNMISS.

“The constitution-making process is the fundamental consideration of sovereignty and should be an inclusive process where all voices are heard, with public processes premised on the idea that democratic constitutions should be created and adopted through open processes and not in small, closed rooms by scholars and elites alone

As it completes a decade of independence, South Sudan has started the process of drafting a permanent constitution. A complex undertaking with numerous moving parts, it is nonetheless the quintessential act of sovereignty. Photo by Nektarios Markogiannis/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians Ethiopia peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping Jonglei medal parade United Nations medal

86 women were among the 643 peacekeepers recently honoured with the prestigious United Nations Medal for their service and sacrifice in conflict-ridden Jonglei, South Sudan. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians SSPDF peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping Eastern Equatoria Torit human rights

UNMISS in Eastern Equatoria recently conducted a refresher training for 50 commanders of the South Sudan Peoples Defence Forces on adhering to international human rights standards and codes of conduct for military personnel. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS

UNMISS protection of civilians durable peace youth leaders cattle rustling reconciliation Warrap displaced civilians peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping cattle raids

Some 10,000 young people from various cattle camps spread across Manalor, Pagol, Rualbet, Kirik, Akop, Marial-lou, Alebek and Awul in Warrap, South Sudan, participated in a peace campaign run jointly by UNMISS and the state government encouraging feuding livestock owners to reconcile. Women, traditional chiefs and intellectuals also attended the forum, and all pledged their commitment to promoting more peaceful, harmonious interactions in future. Photo by Manyang Mayom/UNMISS

UNMISS women peace security equal representation South Sudan Torit Eastern Equatoria

Women in Torit, Eastern Equatoria, are gearing up to ensure that they are fully represented at all levels of decision-making, as robust discussions in this UNMISS-led forum proved. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS.
