
unmiss peace concert revitalized peace agreement roadmap united nations aweil south sudan un peacekeeping peacekeepers elections

A recent mega peace concert held by UNMISS in Aweil, South Sudan, wasn't just about the music. It led to cogent debates on the ongoing peace process in this young nation; the need for all parties to collectively work towards a future of prosperity; and a call for all voices - including youth and women - to be fully included in decision-making. Photo by Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS

unmiss rualbet warrap conflict sspdf south sudan cattle raid displaced reconciliation peace humanitarian development united nations un peacekeeping peacekeepers

Since conflict erupted at the end of June this year, communities in Rualbet, Warrap, have suffered greatly. Currently, stability is slowly returning to the area but humanitarian needs are growing, exacerbated by the rainy season. A high-level delegation, including government officials and humanitarian partners, joined an UNMISS air patrol to convene with community members and assess the situation on the ground. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS

unmiss ikotos conflict cattle raids revenge attacks peace dialogue reconciliation

With ongoing cattle raids and revenge attacks, the usually peaceful fabric of life in Ikotos, Eastern Equatoria, is in tatters. People have fled to safer areas, and many have moved out of the country itself. Community members are urgently calling for peace initiatives and dialogue-based interventions, as a visiting integrated peace team led by UNMISS discovered. Photo by Okello James/UNMISS

unmiss tambura conflict armed attacks humanitarian assistance skills training livelihood youth peacekeepers peacekeeping united nations south sudan western equatoria violence displaced displacement fighting

With the security situation in Tambura, Western Equatoria, slowly improving after months of violence, UNMISS together with local implementing partner Anika Women's Organization, held a three-month skills training for 60 displaced persons. Photo by Denis Louro/UNMISS

UNMISS sara beysolow nyanti humanitarian resident coordinator bor peace development triple nexus south sudan humanitarian crisis floods

With competing crises across the world, reduced donor funding in South Sudan has left displaced communities in Bor worried about hunger. UNMISS Deputy Special Representative and Resident & Humanitarian Coordinator Sara Beysolow Nyanti visited them to assess their needs and reassure them of the UN's continued support. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS

UNMAS mine action canal pigi jonglei malakal protection of civilians bangladesh UNMISS united nations peacekeeping south sudan peacekeepers humanitarian

On a day-long visit to Canal in Pigi county, UNMISS Deputy Special Representative for South Sudan and Resident & Humanitarian Coordinator Sara Beysolow Nyanti met with community members, listened to their concerns, and most importantly received their heartfelt appreciation for recent demining efforts by UNMAS here. UNMAS cleared 25 anti-personnel mines from this remote area, making the ground safe for displaced as well as host populations. Photo by Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS
