
UNMISS protection of civilians independence civil war durable peace eastern equatoria peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping

With the world's youngest nation celebrating a decade of independence this month, Pious Lokale from Eastern Equatoria recounts his experience of civil war, its devastating aftermath and evaluates where, he feels, South Sudan stands at this current point in its history. Photo by Okello James/UNMISS

UNMISS protection of civilians training entrepreneurship displaced civilians peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping trade peacebuilding

Some 40 traders, business owners, members of religious groups and local authorities in Wunrok, located in Twic county of Warrap state, attended a four-day UNMISS-led training on leadership and management skills. Photo by Manyang Mayom/UNMISS.

unmiss south sudan eastern equatoria state sscc mediation intercommunal conflicts torit kapoeta

Mediating members of the South Sudan Council of Churches catching a ride and being protected by an UNMISS convoy as they travel around Eastern Equatoria State. Photos: Moses Yakudu/UNMISS

UNMISS UNPOL sexual violence conflict related sexual violence rape South Sudan

22 South Sudanese police officers in South Sudan's capital Juba were equipped with the necessary skills to interview minors who are survivors of sexual abuse by UNPOL officers serving with UNMISS during a five-day training. Photo by Moses Pasi/UNMISS.

unmiss south sudan eastern equatoria state leadership forum revitalized peace agreement good governance

Promoting unity and the full implementation of the revitalized peace agreement was the objective of this workshop for politicians in Eastern Equatoria State. Photos: Samira Yassmine Salifu/UNMISS

UNMISS protection of civilians conflict displaced civilians peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping Wau Western Bahr El Ghazal Skill-building vocational training youth peace security

54 young people in Western Bahr El Ghazal who were severely affected by the civil war in South Sudan now have marketable skills in carpentry and brick-making following a two-month vocational training facilitated by UNMISS and the Unity Cultural and Development Centre (UCDC) in Wau. Photo by Dawit K. Tedla/UNMISS.

UNMISS protection of civilians peacekeepers South Sudan peacekeeping journalists training Western Equatoria

28 journalists in Western Equatoria recently completed a three-day UNMISS training on journalistic practices and the role of media partners in building a durable, inclusive peace across South Sudan. Photo by Felix Katie/UNMISS.
