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The people of Jonglei are being urged to embrace peace and work towards reconciliation. With a particular call to youth, Information Minister, Jacob Akec Dengdit said citizens should play an active role in promoting peace.
A IDP from the UNMISS Protection of Civilians site in Wau talking to National Minister of Agriculture Kornelio Kon
Members of the local community attending the New Years Peace prayer ceremony in Bor.
The interchurch committee conducted a peace prayer for the new 2017 on January 2nd with the hope that the prayers for peace in the country will be answered by God.
A South Sudanese Youth activist is calling for the creation of Peer to Peer HIV support groups in South Sudan, on World Aids Day.
Peer to Peer support has already gained ground in Maridi, where HIV health workers are reporting a spike in HIV prevalence rates.
The success of the Sustainable Development Goals, will depend, in part, on how well stakeholders invest and support the young girls of today, according to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).