Rule of law forum held in Aweil

26 Apr 2013

Rule of law forum held in Aweil

26 April 2013 – Conflicts between traditional practices and statutory laws needed to be resolved, an UNMISS official said today in the Northern Bahr El-Ghazal capital Aweil.

"... There is ... a significant gap between, on one hand, the constitutional rights and the statutory laws, such as court(s) ... and on the other hand, implementation on the ground," UNMISS Justice Affairs Officer Leif Tomas Vik said at a rule of law forum organized by the mission.

Various justice and law enforcement actors attended meeting, discussing issues like prolonged and arbitrary detention, as well as the challenges they face in carrying out their duties.

"... We are ... optimistic that this rule of law (forum) will (achieve) its objectives through open discussion among the partners," said state Minister of Local Government Lino Adup Acher, representing Governor Paul Malong Awan.