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  1. IOM provides health and shelter aid in volatile areas of South Sudan

    24 February 2017 IOM rapid response team provides vaccinations for infants in Kajo-Keji. IOM Kintamo/2017 The International Organization for Migration, IOM, is providing emergency health care and shelter assistance to South S...

  2. Imprisoned juvenile offenders in Torit play and learn outside prison on a rare free day

    21 March 2019 Within the tall walls of a prison fence, they have lived, in their hundreds.  They have no clue what goes on around Torit town, because they have not stepped out of the prison in a long time.

  3. Rejoicing in Maridi as rehabilitation of Yambio road completed by UNMISS engineers

    24 March 2022... from Maridi to Yambio, because it has now been completed by UNMISS engineers from Bangladesh. WESTERN EQUATORIA - Jack Kerouac was onto something when he wrote, and titled, his cult ...

  4. UNMISS trains authorities and internally displaced people in Mangala on protection of civilians

    21 April 2022... it was the topic at a recent workshop in Mangala, Central Equatoria State. Photo: Taban Geofrey Koma/UNMISS Internally displaced persons, local ...

  5. South Sudan has progressed, but multiple crises remain, says Ban

    4 July 2012 26 June 2012- South Sudan has taken steps forward during its first year of independence, but faces multiple crises on the security, economic and humanitarian fronts, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon s

  6. UNMISS organizes radio debates to commemorate International Women’s Day

    16 March 2021 Despite COVID-19 lockdowns, women across South Sudan came together to discuss the importance of including women in politics, peacebuilding and post-pandemic recovery efforts through talk shows held on Radio Miraya during the month...

  7. Briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General Mr. David Shearer RJMEC 23 January 2020

    24 January 2020 Briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General Mr. David Shearer at the 23 January 2020 board meeting of the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC). Briefing by th...

  8. UN Special Advisor sees ‘all the warning signs’ the South Sudan conflict could spiral into genocide

    18 November 2016 UN Special Advisor sees ‘all the warning signs’ the South Sudan conflict could spiral int Recalling his recent visit to South Sudan, Adama Dieng, the UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, pain...

  9. New UNMISS Quick Impact Projects in Torit Strengthen Peacebuilding Efforts

    18 September 2018 Citizens in Torit danced with glee during an opening ceremony to celebrate the completion of two new Quick Impact Projects in the town – and they had every reason to do so.

  10. UNMISS, Citizen’s Task Force start 14-day awareness raising campaign on COVID-19

    6 May 2020 UNMISS has partnered with the newly-formed Citizens Taskforce on Covid-19, a ...
