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  1. 7-year-old girl in South Sudan unknowingly awaits blood compensation pact

    28 March 2017 UNMISS chief David Shearer and the mayor of Torit, Juliana Mamoi Choko, give a ...

  2. Combating hate speech: ‘It’s better to sit down, talk to each other, and reconcile,’ says Juba camp leader

    19 November 2018 Mary Nyamayi Tut, the chairlady of the displaced women who have sought sanctuary at the UN protection site 3 in Juba, believes that if hatred and hate speech is pervasive among South Sudanese commu

  3. Starving populations appeal for Peace as UN and Partners rush with Food aid

    5 March 2017... food aid 04 March 2017, South Sudan (UNMISS) -- "We are happy because the United Nations has arrived here to bring ...

  4. South Sudan’s transitional constitution gives women better position, says UNMISS official

    8 December 2015... the legal position of women and girls in the country, UNMISS Human Rights Officer Anthony Nwapa said in Juba today. ...

  5. First DDR caseload to reintegrate as civilians

    6 September 2013 6 September 2013 - In line with South Sudan's efforts to reform its security sector, the first batch of candidates attending the pilot Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) programme

  6. UNMISS trains SPLA in child protection

    18 March 2013... People's Liberation Army (SPLA) become a professional force, UNMISS has conducted several trainings on child protection over the past week. ...

  7. Drivers

    17 April 2015... (2 posts) Issuance Date: 16 April 2015 VA No. UNMISS-GS-15-57 Grade: GL-3 Region(s): Juba - DSRSG and Director of Civil Affairs Deadline for Applications: 30 April 2015 POST OPEN FOR SOUTH ...

  8. New returnees registered in Warrap State

    8 October 2011 7 October 2011 – After receiving another influx of returnees in Warrap, the state government and an interagency humanitarian team verified and registered 74 people today in the capital Kuajok

  9. UNMISS evacuates injured after Mayom clashes

    2 November 2011 30 October 2011 - UNMISS today began evacuating civilians injured during a rebel militia attack ...

  10. Vitamin A and polio campaign launched in Malakal

    11 November 2011 7 November 2011 – The third polio immunization and Vitamin A campaign for children under five years old in Upper Nile was launched today by the state Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Wo
