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  1. SPLA striving to work with communities

    5 September 2012 3 September 2012 - The Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) had assisted Western Bahr El-Ghazal (WBEG) with education, medical care and mine clearing, an SPLA officer said today in Wau.

  2. From battlefield to breadbasket

    13 September 2012 In the thick forests of South Sudan's Western Bahr El-Ghazal State lies a small village called Getty, spread over fertile swathes of land that had once served as battlefields.

  3. UNMISS trains Aweil SPLA officers in human rights

    2 November 2012... was now a professional army and must instill international human rights into its behaviour and operations, an area commander said today in ...

  4. “Keep Jonglei State clean” programme launched

    14 January 2013... their environs clean, Jonglei state government officials and UNMISS peacekeepers launched a cleaning programme i ...

  5. UN radio assists drama group spread land messages

    7 February 2013 6 February 2013 - By helping a local theatre group record announcements about South Sudan's land tenure system, UN Radio Miraya was assisting the government to increase awareness of vital concerns,

  6. UNMISS deputy chief visits Northern Bahr El Ghazal

    27 February 2013... stability that had been achieved in Northern Bahr El-Ghazal, UNMISS Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (PDSRSG) visited ...

  7. Jonglei official urges Lou Nuer to stay peaceful

    19 March 2013 15 March 2013 - In the wake of recent conflict in Jonglei, a senior state official urged an Uror County Lou Nuer community today to live peacefully with its neighbours and refrain from fighting.

  8. Kenyan peacekeepers donate blood in Aweil

    24 March 2013... to save the lives of children and pregnant mothers, 16 UNMISS Kenyan peacekeepers donated blood today to Aweil Civil Hospital in Northern Bah ...

  9. Transforming South Sudan’s prisons

    8 April 2013... Following the ravages of more than two decades of civil war, the South Sudan Prisons Service had fallen into a sorry state. ...

  10. Gok Machar residents learn about UNMISS role

    11 April 2013... 9 April 2013- The mandate of UNMISS does not include the defense of South Sudan's international boundaries or the monitoring of its border with Sudan, UNMISS staff members said at a community outre ...
