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  1. UNMISS conducts English language course for Malakal lawmakers

    22 April 2013... of the Upper Nile State Legislative Assembly began at the UNMISS compound on the outskirts of Malakal today. ...

  2. UNMISS trains Bor justice officials to keep records

    15 May 2013... 15 May 2013 - Aiming to enhance community access to justice, UNMISS completed a two-day training in case management and record keeping today ...

  3. Peacekeepers donate blood in Northern Bahr El-Ghazal

    10 June 2013... 7 June 2013 – In what has become a regular tradition, UNMISS Kenyan Battalion peacekeepers donated blood to children and pregnant women at Aweil Civil Hospital today. ...

  4. Border state counties in peace conference

    19 July 2013 13 July 2013 - Aiming to address the long-standing border dispute between Warrap and Northern Bahr El-Ghazal, representatives from both states participated in a two-day peace conference which ended

  5. Justice officials debate customary and statutory laws

    2 August 2013... capacity of justice officials in Northern Bahr El-Ghazal, UNMISS organized a one-day rule of law forum in the state capital Aweil today. ...

  6. UNMISS assists with assembly regulation guide in Aweil

    13 August 2013... knowledge of state legislative assembly regulations, UNMISS handed over 100 copies of "Conduct of Business Regulations" in the state ...

  7. Indian Battalion provides veterinary services in Jonglei

    10 September 2013... to control the spread of diseases among their livestock, UNMISS Indian Battalion veterinary doctors are conducting animal ...

  8. Jonglei government recognizes work of South Korean peacekeepers

    3 October 2013... Jonglei State government presented certificates to the UNMISS South Korean engineers today during a farewell ...

  9. Rumbek school gets facelift and learning materials

    4 October 2013... in vain if students and youth failed to say no to violence, UNMISS Lakes State Acting Coordinator said today in the capital Rumbek. ...

  10. UNMISS donates food to leprosy center near Wau

    29 October 2013 25 October 2013 -- The UNMISS office in Western Bahr el Ghazal state today delivered food and clothing ...
