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  1. Indian peacekeepers give Malakal vet hospital a facelift

    4 August 2019 A vandalized veterinary hospital in Malakal has been given a comprehensive makeover by Indian peacekeepers serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan.

  2. Bedevilled by criminality and lack of basic services, Greater Yei residents call for peace at conference

    12 October 2019 Delegates listen attentively during the Yei Peace Conference. Residents of Greater Yei, comprising Mugwo, Otogo, Tore and Yei counties, have made a plea to bolster efforts to end the ongoing fighting and ensu...

  3. Concerned about their representation, Wau women seek strength in unity

    16 October 2019 Women leaders in South Sudan’s Wau area have been urged to unite and be peace ambassadors as the country prepares for the formation of a transitional government in November.

  4. US Ambassador to the UN takes message of peace to Malakal

    22 October 2019... families when violence erupted across South Sudan during the civil war. ...

  5. “Our better lives do not lie in machine guns” – Women call for peace in Bor

    29 October 2019 “Our better lives do not lie in machine guns.”

  6. UN-led Trust Fund Breathes New Life Into Koch

    1 November 2019 Mary Nyakuaikoch was born in Koch.

  7. Cattle keepers and farmers in Bahr el Ghazal agree on peaceful coexistence during tense dry season

    7 November 2019

  8. New police station gives peace of mind to Hai Kosti residents

    8 November 2019

  9. UNMISS chief urges parties to accelerate efforts to implement peace

    21 November 2019 On Wednesday, David Shearer, head of UNMISS, commented on a variety of issues at a press conference in Juba. ...

  10. Japan-backed mine clearance efforts in South Sudan give new promise to displaced

    21 November 2019 Technicians demonstrate the cluster munition surveillance process Magwi county was once home to a thriving agricultural community that produced staple crops like maize, beans, eggplants, tomatoes, and many ot...
