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  1. Women, displaced persons in Jonglei believe that a permanent constitution will positively impact their status

    8 March 2023... participants attended this meeting, jointly facilitated by UNMISS, UNDP and UNHCR. Photo by Angellah Mandoreba/UNMISS JONGLEI – The ...

  2. UNMISS peacekeepers from South Korea hand over educational material to students in Jonglei

    28 February 2023... among local populations, South Korean peacekeepers from UNMISS recently handed over scholastic material and sports items to students ... schools in Bor, Jonglei state. Photo by Angellah Mandoreba/UNMISS. JONGLEI – When South Sudan ...

  3. Need for skill-building, upholding rule of law, youth empowerment key takeaways from peace rallies

    29 March 2023... to build reconciliation. Photo by Blessings Phumisa/UNMISS JONGLEI/GPAA - Driving through the ...

  4. Hope and joy among Khorgana returnees palpable, thanks to an UNMISS school handover

    30 May 2023 An UNMISS-funded school has filled newly returned communities in Khorgana, Western ... enrolment from 20 to 177. Photo by Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS WESTERN BAHR EL GHAZAL -     Past civil wars in South Sudan had decimated critical infras ...

  5. UNMISS, UNDP hold workshop on curbing small arms proliferation in Warrap

    16 August 2023 In Warrap, UNMISS and UNDP joined forces, thanks to funding from SALIENT, a joint ... and impactful disarmament in the state. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS WARRAP – Following years of civil war, South Sudan, the world’s newest nation, has been grappling with ...

  6. As Sudan crisis continues, twice displaced returnees in Renk, South Sudan, face mounting challenges

    23 August 2023... enormous odds to rebuild their lives. Photo by Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS UPPER NILE – It’s been akin to ...

  7. In Akobo, UNMISS builds peacebuilding capacities among young people

    6 October 2023 A two-day peacebuilding workshop by UNMISS Civil Affairs in Akobo saw a breakthrough agreement by armed youth to eschew ...

  8. Success of mobile court in Koch sets the stage for further expansion of formal justice system

    6 March 2024... are more important than others, like this one, belonging to UNMISS and delivering justice to Koch. Photo by Peter Bateman/UNMISS. UNITY STATE – The landing of a ...

  9. Press release: Surge in intercommunal conflict causing immense harm to civilians in South Sudan, according to the latest UNMISS Quarterly Brief

    18 March 2024 Civilians are bearing the brunt of a surge in intercommunal conflict in pockets of South Sudan with 862 victims documented as being killed, injured, abducted, or subjected to conf

  10. Expansion of mobile courts supported by UNMISS, partners continues with successful deployment in Mayom

    28 May 2024... between South Sudan’s judiciary and Government, as well as UNMISS, bring justice to locations lacking access to formal legal systems. Photo by Peter Bateman/UNMISS UNITY – The recent deployment of a mobile ...
