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  1. Partnership with UN needed to reinvigorate “green stability” in Western Equatoria

    23 February 2017... They should be farming, but can't. The Western Equatoria part of South Sudan, known for and proud of its traditional ...

  2. Talks continue on disarmament and reintegration of child soldiers in Western Equatoria

    13 October 2017... disarmament and reintegration of child soldiers in Western Equatoria Talks are continuing on the disarmament and ...

  3. Violations and Abuses against Civilians in Gbudue and Tambura, Western Equatoria (April-August 2018)

    18 October 2018 Download reportwesternequatoria17oct2018.pdf (856.4 KB)

  4. Human Rights Division Report on Central Equatoria

    3 July 2019 Download final_-_human_rights_division_report_on_central_equatoria_-_3_july_2019.pdf (1001.68 KB) ...

  5. UNMISS-supported tricycles reach rural communities in Western Equatoria with COVID-19 messages

    13 July 2020 The UNMISS COVID-19 communications toolbox is huge. In fact, even a tricycle fits, like here, in rural Western Equatoria. By foot, by car, and now by tricycle. ...

  6. UNMISS assessment team visits Tambura, Western Equatoria, following recent armed attacks

    19 July 2021... of armed attacks by unidentified gunmen in Tambura, Western Equatoria, has displaced many. An UNMISS assessment mission is currently on the ground, patrolling intensively ...

  7. UNMISS peacekeepers intensify patrols in Nabiapai, Western Equatoria, following killing of three people

    11 November 2021 UNMISS Blue Helmets recently undertook a patrol to remote Nabiapai, a border town in Western Equatoria, where a shootout last weekend killed three people and injured ... in Nabiapai, a border town between South Sudan’s Western Equatoria state and the Democratic Republic of Congo, which resulted i ...

  8. Bangladeshi engineering troops bring football joy to Makpandu, Western Equatoria State

    18 January 2022... around the world want to play football. In Makpandu, Western Equatoria State, that dream came true thanks to UNMISS engineering troops from Bangladesh. ...

  9. UNMISS hosts three protection of civilians workshops in Western Equatoria

    26 July 2023 UNMISS recently organized three workshops on protection of civilians for local ... leaders in Ezo, Mvolo and Ibba counties of Western Equatoria. Photo by Denis Louro Oliver/UNMISS. WESTERN EQUATORIA - “Our relationship with authorities is tense, especially with ...

  10. Agencies urged to work without fear in Western Equatoria

    18 February 2014... 2014 - The Western Equatorian government today urged UNMISS, UN agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to work freely in ...
