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  1. Human rights training kicks off in Torit

    4 November 2011... 3 November 2011 - Aiming to raise the capacity of civil society advocates in promoting and defending human rights, UNMISS Human Rights ...

  2. UNMISS with partners hold electoral administration skills training in Yambio

    14 June 2024... was the objective at a recent workshop organized by UNMISS in Yambio. Photos: Felix Francis Katie/UNMISS WESTERN EQUATORIA – With South Sudan’s first post-independence elections ...

  3. Capacity building key to overcoming challenges in women’s political participation

    14 December 2023 In Eastern Equatoria, UNMISS hosts a three-day forum to galvanize women’s full and equal ...

  4. UNMISS organizes workshop for over forty participants on good governance in Rumbek

    7 March 2016... brought together 46 representatives of political parties, civil society and the media to dialogue on the area of good governance. ...

  5. UNMISS and state government conduct fact-finding mission to troubled Kapoeta North

    25 July 2022 UNMISS and representatives of the Eastern Equatoria State government engaging with conflict-affected communities in ...

  6. UNMISS raises awareness on human rights in Maridi County following more cases of gender-based violence

    24 January 2022... that human rights are respected. Photo: Phillip Mbugo/UNMISS An increase of cases of gender-based violence and other human rights violations in Western Equatoria State, as indicated by an assessment made by the United Nations ...

  7. UNPOL trains first batch of law enforcement agents in Kapoeta East

    29 August 2023... Photo: Moses Yakudu/UNMISS EASTERN EQUATORIA – United Nations Police (UNPOL) officers have recently built ...

  8. Political Affairs

    16 October 2015... in South Sudan. It provides political advisory services to UNMISS leadership and the mission as a whole. ...

  9. Peace begins with drums: The case of conflict resolution between Omoruo and Lohilai residents

    16 June 2023... the previously feuding villages of Omoruo and Lohilai in Eastern Equatoria State. Photos: Okello James/UNMISS ...

  10. UNMISS-funded human rights forum urges constructive, united electoral participation

    13 November 2023 An UNMISS human rights forum saw frank discussions about the need for all stakeholders to ... James Sokiri/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA – “True democracy requires the poorest and most marginalized ...
