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  1. Religious leaders and youth call for establishment of small-scale businesses to develop Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal

    19 August 2021... of Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal State. Photos: Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS Religious leaders and youth in Northern ...

  2. Freedom of expression essential for peace in conflict-affected South Sudan – UN report

    22 February 2018 Freedom of expression essential for peace in conflict-affected South Sudan – UN report Genuine reconciliation and lasting peace will only be achieved in South Sudan if people are free and safe to express thei...

  3. SSNPS add airport security to growing skills

    4 June 2013 3 June 2013 - South Sudanese police have added airport security to the growing list of skills they have picked up over the past few months with assistance from UN Police.

  4. UNMISS Deputy Special Representative and Resident Coordinator for South Sudan tours Torit

    16 March 2022... had a busy but productive day on her maiden visit to Torit, Eastern Equatoria, where she met with key humanitarian, development and peace partners ...

  5. UN builds stakeholder capacities on effective electoral practices

    24 May 2024 Civil society and youth representatives, government partners, women, and state ... principles and management techniques. Photo by Emmanuel Kele/UNMISS NORTHERN BAHR EL GHAZAL – ...

  6. Human Rights and SGBV workshop in Yambio

    21 November 2016... Participants drawn from the military, police, civil society group, and local village chiefs acquired new skills in a three day ...

  7. Women’s forum participant in Aweil: “Peace begins at home”

    7 March 2019 Participants taking notes at a women's forum in Aweil. “Peace begins at home,” says Elizabeth Henry Angok, attending a one-day women’s forum in Aweil town.

  8. Community leaders in Jonglei request immediate retrieval of arms from civilians at UNMISS forum

    27 July 2021... Governors and Stakeholders Forum in Bor, facilitated by UNMISS. Photo by Gideon Sackitey/UNMISS. A spate of intercommunal violence, ...

  9. Women demand inclusion in South Sudan peace process

    28 October 2019 South Sudanese women are calling for political leaders to meet their commitment to ensuring 35 percent representation in the new transitional government and are urging each other to actively partic

  10. Uncertainty looms over Unity peace conference

    15 March 2012 13 March 2012 - Ongoing challenges could hinder an inter-state peace conference on border areas to be held in Madol, Unity State, although preparations were on course, a top local official said tod
