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  1. UNMISS promotes the importance of partnerships for peace on the 76th International Day of UN Peacekeepers

    29 May 2024 CENTRAL EQUATORIA: Almost 18,000 United Nations peacekeepers work in partnership with ... Day of United Nations Peacekeepers. Photo by Isaac Billy/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA: Almost 18,000 United Nations peacekeepers work in partnership with ...

  2. Air traffic controllers graduate in Juba

    12 June 2014... orderly and efficient flow of traffic within the airspace, UNMISS Director of Mission Support Stephanie Scheer said in Juba today. ...

  3. Kuajok youth on Peacekeepers’ Day: Empowering us is best way to prevent, mitigate and manage conflicts

    31 May 2021... radio waves to express their concerns about unemployment as UNMISS celebrated Peacekeepers' Day. Photos: Peter Ring Ariik Kuol/UNMISS As part of the United Nations International ...

  4. UNMISS cultural festival promotes unity in diversity, upholds women’s rights

    9 May 2024 An UNMISS cultural festival in Jonglei, South Sudan, ends with spirited calls for ... governance and decision-making. Photo by Angellah Mandoreba/UNMISS JONGLEI - Women in South Sudan have ...

  5. Still waiting for the education peace benefit

    8 March 2013 8 March 2013 – Although she only possesses a primary school education, Jennifer Kujang is a community leader and head of a women's union.

  6. South Sudanese military personnel in Irube cantonment site request capacity building trainings be given to joint forces

    16 November 2021... South Sudanese military personnel in Iruba cantonment site, Eastern Equatoria, received a human rights training facilitated by UNMISS where they ...

  7. Massive challenges ahead as South Sudan’s police launch action plan against sexual violence

    20 November 2019 A momentous moment for South Sudan National Police Service: the launch of an action plan against conflict-related sexual violence. On Tuesday, a promise consensually conceived five years ago saw the light of ...

  8. Western Equatorians pay tribute to Speaker Elisa

    24 August 2015... 23 August 2015 - The late Speaker of Western Equatoria’s Legislative Assembly, Bage James Elisa, was laid to rest today ...

  9. UN envoy urges South Sudanese leaders to show “common purpose” and agree on a roadmap that leads to elections

    30 June 2022... Haysom's press briefing in Juba today. Photo by Isaac Billy/UNMISS CENTRAL EQUATORIA - With barely eight months remaining in the transitional period ...

  10. Children still gravely threatened by conflict, Security Council told

    10 September 2014 8 September 2014 - Instability and rising tensions in various countries, including South Sudan, continued to pose a grave threat to children, a senior UN official told the Security Council in New Y
