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  1. Aweil chiefs learn about differences between traditional and formal justice during UNMISS workshop

    5 February 2020 Chiefs in the Aweil region of South Sudan have learnt the difference between using traditional justice processes and the need to refer criminal cases to legal courts during a human rights workshop ...

  2. Aweil West civil organizations learn about rights and laws

    9 March 2015 6 March 2015 - To strengthen the capacity of human rights defenders, UNMISS completed a three-day workshop today in Nyamlel of Aweil West County in Northern Bahr El-Gha

  3. Communities learn human rights in Aweil

    13 February 2015 12 February 2015 - Continuing to strengthen knowledge of human rights in Northern Bahr El-Ghazal, UNMISS held a workshop today in the capital Aweil.

  4. Unity communities learn about HIV and AIDS

    19 July 2013 19 July 2013 - In efforts to increase awareness about HIV and AIDS among communities in Unity State, UNMISS organized a series of meetings on the pandemic this week, which ended today.

  5. Warrap parliamentarians learn about UNMISS mandate

    28 October 2015... in accurately informing communities about the role of the UN peacekeeping mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). ...

  6. UN Police partner with the South Sudan National Police Service and community in Torit to curb crime

    2 June 2021... with UNPOL officers and the South Sudan National Police Service to tackle incidents together. Photo by Moses Yakudu/UNMISS ...

  7. Pibor residents learn UNMISS role

    11 October 2012 10 October 2012 - To boost awareness of UNMISS' role in supporting peace, the mission held a workshop today in Pibor, Jonglei State, for 72 traditional chiefs, youth leaders, women and county offic

  8. Warrap residents learn about land law

    15 February 2013 14 February 2013 - To assist local people with land legislation and prevention of related conflicts, several organizations held a four-day workshop in the Warrap State capital Kuajok, which ended t

  9. Warrap residents learn about land law

    15 February 2013... learning to survey during Land Act workshop hosted by UN Development Programme (UNDP), UNMISS, Norwegian Refugee Committee and state ...

  10. Jonglei’s Twic East residents learn about UNMISS role

    13 March 2013 12 March 2013 - UNMISS was committed to promoting peace and co-existence among all South Sudanese people without favouring any community over another, mission representatives told residents of Jong
