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  1. Malakal students get HIV/AIDS awareness training

    13 August 2012 9 August 2012 – The UNMISS HIV/Aids Unit held a one-day sensitization forum today for 52 students ...

  2. Malakal IDPs call for peaceful co-existence

    15 January 2015... amongst the internally displaced persons (IDPs) at the UNMISS protection site in Malakal, Upper Nile State, religious leaders at the ...

  3. Back to Learning Campaign targeting 5,500 school age children launched in Bentiu

    10 February 2016 The Ministry of Education with the support of UNICEF, launched a “Back to Learning Campaign” in Bentiu targeting the enrollment of 5,500 school age children.

  4. Children attending school at the UNMISS PoC site in Malakal appeal for scholastic materials pt.1

    26 July 2016 The pupils who spoke with Radio Miraya said they lack exercise books, pens and pencils plus text books. Voice of Children ARABIC……………………………………………………………………………….VC

  5. CAD supports counseling and conflict management workshop in Yirol

    30 September 2016... The Catholic Diocese of Rumbek with support from UNMISS Civil Affairs Division (CAD) has held a three-day training for thirty ...

  6. Bangladeshi engineering troops bring football joy to Makpandu, Western Equatoria State

    18 January 2022... Western Equatoria State, that dream came true thanks to UNMISS engineering troops from Bangladesh. ...

  7. Thousands of families flee rising waters in Fangak as extraordinary flooding hits South Sudan

    9 September 2024... devastating flooding in Fangak. Photos: Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS Squatting on dirty plastic sheets on ...

  8. A model for peace: Residents of Gel Achel in Upper Nile rise above tribal differences

    7 February 2018 A model for peace: Residents of Gel Achel in Upper Nile rise above tribal differences The remote community of Gel Achel, some 100 kilometres southeast of Malakal in the Upper Nile region, stands out for all t...

  9. Provision of Construction Consumables to UNMISS in Juba, Republic of South Sudan

    25 September 2018 United Nations Mission in South Sudan UNMISS   REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (REOI) For ...

  10. South Sudan calls for more rights education

    11 December 2013... 10 December 2013 - Hundreds of South Sudanese citizens gathered in different state capitals today and ...
