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  1. Provision of Polyethylene Water Tanks in Juba, Republic of South Sudan

    6 February 2019... Provision of Polyethylene Water Tanks in Juba, Republic of South Sudan ... The United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) has a requirement for the Provision of Polyethylene Water Tanks in ...

  2. UNMISS educates South Sudan government army on how not to violate the rights of children

    2 October 2019

  3. Women in Yambio mentor Peacemakers

    7 September 2016 Women in Yambio mentor Peacemakers In two weeks, the world will observe the International Day of Peace – the Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) in Yambio is kick starting commemoration by promoting pe...

  4. As Sudan crisis continues, twice displaced returnees in Renk, South Sudan, face mounting challenges

    23 August 2023 As the Sudan crisis continues, hundreds of thousands have crossed porous borders to neighbouring South Sudan in search of safety. Many are returnees who once left this young ... enormous odds to rebuild their lives. Photo by Ines Surwumwe/UNMISS UPPER NILE – It’s been akin to ...

  5. South Sudan commemorates Human Rights Day

    10 December 2015 South Sudan joined the rest of the world today to commemorate Human Rights Day with ...

  6. Provision of Express Courier Services to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan

    18 October 2016... of Express Courier Services to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan   Closing Date for Receipt of EOI:  Monday, 31 October ...

  7. Peace and development partners launch project in Tonj funded by South Sudan Multi Partner Trust Fund for Reconciliation, Stabilization, and Resilience

    30 December 2022... to launch a community stabilization project funded by the South Sudan Multipartner Trust Fund for Reconciliation, Stabilization, and Resilience ...

  8. Provision of Grass Cutting around United Nations Headquarters at Jebel Kujur, Yei road, and Protection of Civilian (POC) perimeter in Juba, South Sudan

    27 January 2017... E S   United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan UNMISS REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST   ...

  9. UN hailed in South Sudanese states

    27 October 2014... 24 October 2014 - UN Day was marked across South Sudan’s states today by colourful celebrations featuring cultural dances, ...

  10. Border post buzzing again as cattle herders in South Sudan and Sudan agree on rules for seasonal cattle migration

    11 February 2021 Cattle herders from South Sudan and Sudan celebrate the signing of an agreement to make the cattle ... in Sudan and their herds of cattle make the long journey south to Aweil East County in South Sudan. ...
