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  1. REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Provision of Supply and Delivery of Batteries to UNMISS, South Sudan. The Delivery term is DAP MONUSCO Logbase (near Entebbe Old Airport), Entebbe, Uganda (Incoterms 2010).

    17 February 2017... E S   United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan                             ...

  2. Campaign against gender-based violence kicks off across South Sudan

    29 November 2011... 2011 – In combating violence against women, several South Sudanese towns began "16 days of activism" over the past few days to help eradicate and raise awareness of the crime. ...

  3. Enrolment up in one Magwi school as the displaced return home

    23 July 2019 Pajok Primary School in the Magwi area registered less than 200 new students in 2018, but that number has doubled.

  4. South Sudan’s Children: “Our Hope is in Reading and Writing”

    8 September 2016 South Sudan’s Children: “Our Hope is in Reading and Writing” The young and innocent minds of the children of South Sudan are looking to reading and writing as their hope for the future.  ...

  5. UNMISS encourages thousands of livestock owners in Tonj to promote peace and reconciliation

    6 July 2021... Rualbet, Kirik, Akop, Marial-lou, Alebek and Awul in Warrap, South Sudan, participated in a peace campaign run jointly by UNMISS and the state ...

  6. Eastern Equatoria Governor visits near-inaccessible areas on UNMISS helicopter, urges communities to embrace peace

    10 August 2020... Every year, without fail, the rainy season in South Sudan leads to a severe deterioration in road conditions as well as flooding. ...

  7. Bishop of Gulu Diocese, Bishop Nelson Onon Onweng, has sounded a strong appeal to South Sudan’s leadership pt.1

    25 July 2016 Bentiu hospital has received a new water system from UN Childrens’ Organsation UNICEF.  The water pump produces 162-thousand litres of water a day, serving the hospital’s wards and outpatient facil

  8. High-level delegation visits Jonglei state, led by acting Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan

    29 October 2021... delegation, led by the Acting Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan, Arafat Jamal, visited Jonglei state to get a first-hand look at the dire ...

  9. ‘Cling to every little sign of hope’ – outgoing head of mission in South Sudan

    30 November 2016... every little sign of hope’ – outgoing head of mission in South Sudan On 23 July 2014, United Nations Secretary-General ...

  10. UNMISS helps children move from lessons under ancient trees to brand new classrooms in Western Equatoria

    25 June 2020... new school in Bazumburu, Western Equatoria, was built by UNMISS peacekeepers, ably assisted by the villagers. Under ...
