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  1. Contest: Aweil students test their spelling abilities on key words in country’s peace agreement

    18 October 2019 The spelling bees: Some of the contestants await the start of the competition Words such as ‘boundaries’, ‘ceasefire’, ‘diversity’, ‘implementation’, ‘constitution’, and ‘democracy’ are some of the few that t...

  2. Ban welcomes talks between Sudan and South Sudan

    25 May 2012... Ki-moon today welcomed the announcement of the Sudanese and South Sudanese governments to resume talks in Addis Ababa next week. ...

  3. UNMISS, Warrap state authorities visit Marial Lou, appeal for peace and reconciliation in the region

    22 September 2021 UNMISS Force Commander, Lieutenant-General Shailesh Tinaikar, and a high-level ... Lou following recent conflict here. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS UNMISS Force Commander, ... recently visited Marial Lou, Warrap state, to see first-hand the situation on ...

  4. Teenager highlights need to support girl’s education in South Sudan

    11 October 2016 The UN Mission in South Sudan - UNMISS, has condemned the rising wave of insecurity in parts of the country ...

  5. UK to bolster support for UN mandate in South Sudan

    22 December 2016 The success of the Sustainable Development Goals, will depend, in part, on how well stakeholders invest and support the young girls of today, according to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).

  6. Young girls and boys star on air as UNMISS celebrates Day of the African Child

    21 June 2023... the Day of the African Child. In South Sudan, there is no shortage of children; young girls and boys who will one day ...

  7. Peacekeepers give children the gift of education and a brighter future in war-torn South Sudan

    2 December 2020... education is a luxury that most families cannot afford. UNMISS has a base not far from the school. For the past few years, peacekeepers ... improve the classrooms. The South Sudanese flag flies proudly above the tiny school on the outskirts of the ...

  8. Displaced families in Rimenze peg hopes of return on success of the peace process

    24 October 2019 Hoshea Kumbonyeki prepared to go to work at his local church as part of his daily routine.

  9. United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan UNMISS REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Rental of Billboard Spaces to United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Closing Date for Receipt of EOI:

    7 July 2019... E S   United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan                             ...

  10. South Sudan joins the Elephant Protection Initiative

    15 December 2016 The success of the Sustainable Development Goals, will depend, in part, on how well stakeholders invest and support the young girls of today, according to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).
