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  1. Police learn to build confidence and trust

    8 June 2015 5 June 2015 - In a continuing effort to draw police and local residents closer together, 38 Central Equatoria State officers graduated from a confidence an

  2. Football for peace organized in Yambio county

    18 April 2016... citizens in Yambio county converged to Yambio Freedom Square over the weekend to witness a football match between girls and government ...

  3. UN peacekeepers power up Aweil girls football team’s hopes to win regional tournament

    12 June 2019 Twenty-two of them kick the ball and do all the footballing maneuvers, perhaps aspiring to become professional footballers.

  4. Wau to implement plan to get children off streets

    21 January 2013 16 January 2013 – As the number of children living and working on the streets of the Western Bahr El-Ghazal capital Wau continues to cause grave concern, the state's Child Protection Working Group

  5. UNMISS trains Bor justice officials to keep records

    15 May 2013... 15 May 2013 - Aiming to enhance community access to justice, UNMISS completed a two-day training in case management and record keeping today ...

  6. Warrap residents learn about land law

    15 February 2013 14 February 2013 - To assist local people with land legislation and prevention of related conflicts, several organizations held a four-day workshop in the Warrap State capital Kuajok, which ended t

  7. New UNMISS head visits Bor, praises Indian peacekeepers

    30 September 2014... to Jonglei State since assuming office a month ago, the new UNMISS chief praised the Indian contingent today in the capital B ...

  8. UN police in Bor fund eye surgery for four-year-old

    27 June 2019 At 7.56 a.m. on Monday, Pulpham Ngor and her daughter, Chan Gatluak, boarded a commercial flight from Bor to see an eye surgeon at Boluk Eye Clinic in Juba.

  9. Solar powered installations handed over by UNMISS aim to energize justice actors

    6 June 2023... up court proceedings, thanks to a green energy handover by UNMISS that will help combat frequent power outages in court houses through solar-powered electricity. Photo by Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS WESTERN BAHR EL GHAZAL - Strong justice ...

  10. Juba City officials received dialogue skills training

    26 November 2016... received dialogue skills training The UNMISS Civil Affairs Division, supported by the Institute for the Development ...
