Football for peace organized in Yambio county

18 Apr 2016

Football for peace organized in Yambio county

Thousands of citizens in Yambio county converged to Yambio Freedom Square over the weekend to witness a football match between girls and government officials which was organized by the county authority with the aim to promote peace in the county.

The Commissioner of Yambio county, Hussein Enocka, says the reason for organizing the football match is to enforce the peace agreement and to enhance unity amongst the people.

“We organized this program to boost, promote, support and protect our peace agreement that was signed because for almost a year it was not easy to gather like this seeing fathers, mothers and youth playing together” said Hussein.

The game between the State veteran team comprised of government officials and other stakeholders for peace and the Yambio county girls team concluded with a score of 5 to 1 in favor of the girls.  

Hussein Enoka, the captain of the Government veteran team, and the man responsible for scoring the only consolation goal with a tricky off side’s and using his hand at the last minute which made the game entertaining. The veteran politician Polino Zizi was the goal keeper and a few ministers also played, including the former Republic of South Sudan Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Grace Datiro.

The girls’ team, Monica Siham Ibrahim, known in Yambio town as “Let them talk”, said the game was very important because it comes at the time when the people of Yambio need to smile because it was not easy during the conflict to organize such activities.

She urged the young girls to engage in activities which can unite the people and create peace. Adding that women are peace makers, and the government and the partners should support girls’ to organize such sports events and other influential activities which could build peace among the citizens in the country.