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  1. Bentiu IDPs urged to keep protection sites civilian

    20 April 2015... April 2015 - It was vital for communities seeking shelter on UNMISS bases to cooperate in maintaining the civilian character of protection ...

  2. UNMISS pursues lasting peace for the people of Keyala in Eastern Equatoria State

    18 December 2020 Residents in the Keyala area have been badly affected by intercommunal conflicts, bringing the once bustling town to a near standstill. “I feel worn out. I am tired of these persistent conflicts, the ca...

  3. UNMISS hands over newly constructed police station in Western Bahr El Ghazal, boosting law and order

    21 July 2021... A handover of a newly-constructed police station by UNMISS through its Quick Impact Projects programme has brought relief and joy ... Bank, Western Bahl EL Ghazal state. Photo by Dawit K. Tedla/UNMISS. Sergeant Gabriel Muorten Akeu, a police ...

  4. LRA must be stopped, abductees reintegrated, conference resolves

    24 May 2014 23 May 2014 - Seeking to end Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) atrocities, a regional conference that concluded in the Western Equatoria capital Yambio today resolved to cal

  5. Female prisoners in Wau receive medicines, hygiene kits thanks to UNMISS peacekeepers from Bangladesh

    27 July 2020 UNMISS peacekeepers from Bangladesh conduct COVID-19 sensitization among female ... In Western Bahr El Ghazal, UNMISS peacekeepers have taken the motto of leaving no one behind to heart as ...

  6. Health Awareness Campaign in Torit marks International Day for UN Peacekeepers

    30 May 2017... Awareness Campaign in Torit marks International Day for UN Peacekeepers In Freedom Square, the town’s social center, over 180 locals gathered to participate in a health awareness campaign organized by the UNMISS Field Office in Eastern Equatoria. ...

  7. Displaced in Bor receive life-saving aid

    27 December 2011 27 December 2011 – Following a vicious cycle of attacks in Jonglei State, UN agencies and national as well as international organizations have been assisting the displaced victims.

  8. Agreement on cattle migration has reduced conflicts between farmers and herders in Bahr El Ghazal region

    13 June 2018 Cows, though not necessarily the ones pictured here, sometimes eat where they are not supposed to, leading to conflicts between farmers and cattle herders. An agreement implemented between farming and cattle ...


    21 July 2016... position is located within the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), in the Office of Public Information Division. The Spokesperson ...

  10. Community Watch Group trained to keep IDPs safe

    5 June 2015... 5 June 2015 - In keeping displaced persons at UNMISS Juba protection sites secure, UN Police and partners today completed a ...
