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  1. Pibor residents return home

    3 May 2013... of residents who took refuge earlier this week at the UNMISS base in Pibor, Jonglei State, have returned to their homes, mission ...

  2. UNMISS trains SPLA in computers in Malakal

    6 May 2013... computer literacy of national army officers in Upper Nile, UNMISS Military Liaison Officers completed a basic training course for them ...

  3. SPLA officers get computer training in Malakal

    21 June 2013 21 June 2013 - UNMISS Military Liaison Officers (MLOs) based in Upper Nile State concluded a ...

  4. SPLA trained in command, military justice in Malakal

    28 August 2013... 28 August 2013 - Continuing to assist the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) transform itself into a professional force, UNMISS held a one-day workshop on command responsibility and the administ ...

  5. Indian Battalion provides veterinary services in Jonglei

    10 September 2013... to control the spread of diseases among their livestock, UNMISS Indian Battalion veterinary doctors are conducting animal ...

  6. Relocation of refugees by boat

    16 September 2013... Peacekeepers from the Mongolian Battalion of UNMISS escorting a vessel carrying 182 refugees from Sudan that had become stuck in the Bahr El-Ghazal River. ...

  7. Dozens of IDPs arrive in Yambio

    9 January 2014 8 January 2014 - At least 58 civilians, mainly women and children, who fled conflict in Mundri last week arrived in the Western Equatoria State capital Yambio today.

  8. Trial of four detainees charged with treason begins in Juba

    12 March 2014 11 March 2014 - The trial of four political leaders accused of masterminding a coup in mid-December 2013 to overthrow President Salva Kiir’s government began today in a special Juba court.

  9. Partners ready to relocate IDPs in Malakal

    14 May 2014... civilian protection area had almost been completed at the UNMISS base in the Upper Nile State capital Malakal, a high-level UN military ...

  10. SPLM trains members for new party registration

    20 May 2014... 19 May 2014 - In an effort to renew registration of Sudan People’s Liberation (SPLM) members, Western Equatoria State in ...
