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  1. Youth demand bloodshed-free 2017

    10 February 2017 The youth advocacy group Ana Taban, here represented by Ayak Chjol Deng and Manasseh Mathing, has launched a campaign dubbed #Bloodshedfree2017, calling on the country’s leaders to stop the fighting and suffering. ...

  2. Korean Peace keepers complete repair of Bor – Mangalla road

    15 March 2017  

  3. Hundreds of people in Bentiu observed World Water Day

    22 March 2017 Residents in Leer County are hardly spoiled when it comes to access to clean, safe water. UNICEF and other humanitarian organizations are working hard to improve the situation. Hundreds of people including sc...

  4. UNMISS completes renovation of Pariang Primary School

    21 April 2017 Local dignitaries and UNMISS representatives cut the ceremonial ribbon during the opening of the ...

  5. Lobonok County Commissioner appeals for emergency relief aid

    22 June 2017 Lobonok County Commissioner appeals for emergency relief aid The Commissioner of Lobonok County, Lt. Col. Hon.

  6. UNMISS Head of Office in Upper Nile visits Maban, urges renewed peace in the county

    12 May 2021... peace and reconciliation among local communities across South Sudan, Leda Limann, Head of Office, UNMISS Malakal, recently visited Maban ...

  7. International Day of UN Peacekeepers: Captain Jinha Kim, Republic of Korea

    27 May 2021... pilot in his home country and says that serving for peace in South Sudan is his biggest learning experience yet. Photo by Nektarios ...

  8. The Secretary-General -- Address to the General Assembly New York, 20 September 2016 [Bilingual, as delivered version]

    20 September 2016 The Secretary-General -- Address to the General Assembly New York I stand before you with gratitude for your support across the decade I have had the privilege to serve this great organization, the United Nat...

  9. UNMISS engineers building river bank to protect Bor residents

    23 June 2014... of civilians in the Jonglei State capital Bor, the UNMISS Korean Engineering Company are building an embankment along the River ...

  10. DSRSG Soumaré visits Yambio to assess security

    26 June 2015 25 June 2016 - To assess the security situation in Western Equatoria State, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) Moustapha Soumaré today made his first visit to the capita
