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  1. Bangladesh force marine unit conducts medical campaign

    5 March 2016 UNMISS peacekeepers from the Bangladesh Force Marine Unit today offered free basic ...

  2. IDPs in Yambio receive humanitarian assistance

    4 March 2016 More than 800 households which lost property during violence in the Ikpiro residential area in Yambio have received humanitarian assistance.

  3. UNMISS calls for release of barge crew held in Upper Nile

    30 October 2015 UNMISS had extracted 18 peacekeepers who were detained by heavily armed men affiliated to the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) - In Opposition in Upper Nile State, ...

  4. UNMISS engineers begin much-needed rehabilitation of Malakal-Melut road

    22 November 2018 Residents in the Upper Nile region will soon heave a collective sigh of relief.

  5. IDPs voluntarily leave UNMISS protection site in Malakal

    14 October 2015... persons (IDPs) have voluntarily started leaving the UNMISS protection-of-civilians (PoC) site in the Upper Nile State capital ...

  6. UNMISS “Protection of Civilians” (PoC) Sites

    4 April 2017 UNMISS “Protection of Civilians” (PoC) Sites [i] ...

  7. UNHCR and partners relocate refugees in Upper Nile

    18 June 2013 17 June 17 2013 - An operation to relocate more than 18,000 refugees from a flood-prone camp in Upper Nile to a new site has been successfully completed ahead of schedule, according to a statement

  8. UNMISS and legislators visit Duk Padiet to promote Jonglei disarmament

    17 March 2012... 16 March 2012- A team of Jonglei state legislators and UNMISS staff met with residents ofDuk Padiet payam today prior to the start of ...

  9. Workshop on human rights and laws held in Bentiu

    9 November 2011... 5 November –As part of its efforts to help reform South Sudanese laws, UNMISS Human Rights Office concluded a two-day workshop today in the Unity ...

  10. Consultations aim to boost security in Unity State

    29 November 2011 23 November 2011 – Drawing together government officials as well as concerned members of the public, consultations aimed at promoting security and peace in communities began today in three Unity St
