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  1. Aid agencies need funding for three-month South Sudan plan

    3 January 2014 3 January 2014 - Aid agencies had drawn up a plan for January, February and March to provide protection, water, food, shelter and healthcare for people most affected by

  2. Provision of Household Furniture & Curtains to UNMISS Juba, The Republic of South Sudan

    30 September 2016... Provision  of Household Furniture & Curtains to UNMISS Juba, The Republic of South Sudan ...

  3. Provision of Kitchen Utensils to UNMISS Juba, The Republic of South Sudan

    30 September 2016...  of Kitchen Utensils to UNMISS Juba, The Republic of South Sudan eoi-kitchen_utensils.pdf ...

  4. South Sudan Olympian encourages nation to silence the guns

    27 October 2016 South Sudan Olympian encourages nation to silence the guns “The needs of the youth in South Sudan will never be met unless the guns are silenced,” says Olympian ...

  5. Provision of Certified Training Professionals Training to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan

    8 November 2016... Professionals Training to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan ... Application period: ...

  6. Provision of Certified Training Professionals Training to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan

    14 November 2016... Professionals Training to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan ... Application period: ...

  7. Scouts attend awareness workshop on UNMISS mandate in South Sudan.

    15 November 2016... on the general mandate of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan has opened in Juba. ...

  8. Provision of Catering Services to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan

    22 November 2016... of Catering Services to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan reoi_-_unpol_cwg_catering_services_unmiss_website.pdf Application period: 22 ...

  9. Provision of Coaching and Mentoring Training for 25 UNMISS staff in South Sudan

    28 November 2016... Provision of Coaching and Mentoring Training for 25 UNMISS staff in South Sudan ...

  10. Provision of Camp Support Services to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan

    30 November 2016... of Camp Support Services to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan reoi_-_camp_support_services_unmiss_website.pdf Application period: 30 ...
