Scouts attend awareness workshop on UNMISS mandate in South Sudan.

15 Nov 2016

Scouts attend awareness workshop on UNMISS mandate in South Sudan.

A two day awareness workshop on the general mandate of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan has opened in Juba. The forum draws together 60 members of the South Sudan Scouts Association to equip them with knowledge on the most basic obligations of UNMISS in the country.  The workshop is part of a series of workshops planned by the Outreach Unit of the UNMISS Communication and Public Information Section to create awareness of the UN Mission’s mandate in the country to the public. In his opening remarks, the Jubek area Minister for Information, Culture, Youth and Sports, Sallah Rajab Bunduki commended the mission for the initiative.

The Minister remarked, “If you can involve our scouts and girl guides they will deliver more to our communities and they will be the ones to go down to the communities to start to disseminate and advocate for the mandate of UNMISS in the residential areas and wherever they go.” 


A two day awareness workshop on the general mandate of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan has opened in Juba. The forum draws together 60 members of the South Sudan Scouts Association to equip them with knowledge on the most basic obligations of UNMISS in the country.  The workshop is part of a series of workshops planned by the Outreach Unit of the UNMISS Communication and Public Information Section to create awareness of the UN Mission’s mandate in the country to the public. In his opening remarks, the Jubek area Minister for Information, Culture, Youth and Sports, Sallah Rajab Bunduki commended the mission for the initiative.

The Minister remarked, “If you can involve our scouts and girl guides they will deliver more to our communities and they will be the ones to go down to the communities to start to disseminate and advocate for the mandate of UNMISS in the residential areas and wherever they go.”