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  1. Women officers from South Sudan’s police and prisons system trained on leadership and gender equity by UNMISS

    9 December 2021 A three-day workshop facilitated by UNMISS trained 25 South Sudanese female police and prisons officers on leadership and gender ...

  2. Flying vital supplies to South Sudan

    16 January 2014... 16 January 2014 - Some 30,000 feet above the ground in South Sudan, the pilot of an Australian C-17 Globemaster was kitted out in a flak ...

  3. UNMISS Deputy Special Representative and Resident Coordinator for South Sudan tours Torit

    16 March 2022... Deputy Special Representative and Resident Coordinator for South Sudan had a busy but productive day on her maiden visit to Torit, Eastern ...

  4. On World Literacy Day, Western Equatorian children receive radios from UNMISS to continue learning

    8 September 2020... extended closure of educational institutions across South Sudan due to COVID-19. “Ever since our school ...

  5. - South Sudan: Weary, frightened displaced civilians in Upper Nile at imminent risk of further violence

    4 May 2017... Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein on Thursday urged the Government of South Sudan to halt any further military offensives towards Aburoc on the west ...

  6. UN Special Advisor sees ‘all the warning signs’ the South Sudan conflict could spiral into genocide

    18 November 2016... UN Special Advisor sees ‘all the warning signs’ the South Sudan conflict could spiral int Recalling his recent ...

  7. UN Assistant Secretary-General condemns "terrible" rights situation in South Sudan

    20 February 2017... Secretary-General for human rights, on his visit to South Sudan. Here in Malakal on 15 February (in the centre of the photo). ...

  8. UNMISS Bangladeshi Marine Unit gets infrastructural upgrade boosting their operational readiness

    31 May 2022... Seen from the air, the river Nile winding its way across South Sudan resembles a glittering necklace adorning the world’s youngest country. ...

  9. In Wau, children speak about the need for sustained peace and development

    25 October 2023... UN Day commemoration in Wau, children from different schools stole the show by advocating for peace, development and, of course, education for all. Photo by Roseline Nzelle Nkwelle/UNMISS WESTERN BAHR EL GHAZAL -  Yesterday, ...

  10. Fresh attacks in South Sudan hampering humanitarians, says UNICEF

    4 March 2014... 3 March 2014 - With fresh outbreaks of fighting in South Sudan likely to displace tens of thousands of additional people, the emergency ...
