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  1. Exodus of refugees from South Sudan picking up, UN reports

    8 January 2014 7 January 2014 - As fighting in parts of South Sudan continues despite ceasefire talks, thousands of civilians are fleeing to neighbouring countries, the UN Refugee Ag

  2. The Female Face of Peacekeepers

    20 August 2016 Sakina Issah Ghanain Police Officer being pinned with her UN Medal by UNMISS Police Commissioner Bruce Munyambo in Bentiu. Photo: UNMISS/Zenebe Teklewold Ghanaian Formed Police Unit in Bentiu at the...

  3. In Mayom, new returnees are promised support by local authorities and UNMISS

    11 March 2022 A unique workshop held by UNMISS in Mayom county, Unity state, sought to build collective will among community members to encourage those displaced by past conflicts to return to their original homes. Photo by Jacob Ruai/UNMISS. ...

  4. Internally displaced women and youth receive training on income generating projects

    10 April 2023 Vocational training on how to bake bread, make solid soap and other items is expected to give 60 internally displaced women and youth a chance to make a living. Photos: Angellah Mandoreba/UNMISS JONGL...

  5. UNMISS peacekeepers from South Korea begin repairing main road linking Bor and Pibor

    3 December 2021 UNMISS peacekeepers from South Korea have begun rehabilitating the road connecting Bor, Jonglei state, to Greater Pibor. The benefits: Increased trade, safety for women and social cohesion. Photo by Mach Samuel/UNMISS ...

  6. UNMISS Dedicates 300-Watt Solar Panel System for the People of Gogrial

    14 August 2019

  7. UNMISS commemorates Human Rights Day

    10 December 2014 10 December 2014 - South Sudanese leaders should take a strong stand against human rights abusers and let them know that impunity will not be tolerated, UNMISS chief Ellen Loej said today in Juba a

  8. Small-budget, quick impact projects by UNMISS set to improve social cohesion, promote rule of law in Western Equatoria

    26 January 2021 UNMISS has launched a series of Quick Impact Projects in Western Equatoria. These are aimed at fulfilling urgent community needs through infrastructural development. One such upcoming construction is a much-needed prison facility ...

  9. UN builds stakeholder capacities on effective electoral practices

    24 May 2024... Civil society and youth representatives, government partners, women, and state elections committees in Northern Bahr El Ghazal came ...

  10. UNMISS helps local authorities prepare for managing influx of returnees

    26 May 2022 Representatives from all seven counties of Unity State getting prepared to coordinate efforts to receive an influx of returnees. Photo: Roseline Nkwelle Nzelle/UNMISS UNITY- People returning home af...
