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  1. Pakistani peacekeepers honoured for protecting civilians against climate shocks in Bentiu

    20 May 2024... South Sudan, as they received the prestigious UN medal for their commitment to safeguarding 300,000 people from catastrophic floods. Photo ...

  2. Abducted women and children coming home

    24 December 2012 Prisoners of feuding youth in Jonglei State for almost five months, an elated Dole Koroko and her ...

  3. Recent political and community leaders retreat in Greater Pibor tackles issue of child marriages

    20 September 2021... politicians, women's representatives, community leaders and youth groups unanimously agree to eschew underage marriage. Photo by Gideon Sackitey/UNMISS ...

  4. UNMISS intensifies patrols to help protect civilians and calls for calm in Unity and Ruweng Administrative Area

    24 June 2024 Juba, 24 June 2024 – The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has intensified patrols and engagement with

  5. Displaced families receive a joyous welcome home after leaving UN protection site

    7 June 2019... are already up and about, bustling around as they pack their belongin ...

  6. Yei forum seeks to sharpen media practitioners to report professionally

    3 March 2019 As any self-respecting media practitioner in Yei will tell you, taking good notes is crucial for dynamic reporting. “By bringing us together, we have been equipped with new skills to render quality and timely...

  7. Torit police officers ready to combat crime in the rainy season with support from UNMISS

    3 July 2019

  8. SPLA general vows to discipline unruly soldiers

    23 March 2012 22 March 2012 -- In an exclusive interview, the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) general in charge of theJonglei civilian disarmament campaign said that about 9,300 guns had been collected thu

  9. UNMISS trains officers of the Bentiu Central Prison on records management, provides equipment to facilitate their work

    3 October 2021 As part of its ongoing efforts to build rule of law capacities across South Sudan, the UNMISS Corrections Unit in Bentiu recently held a training on records management for officers from local prisons. Photo by Roseline Nzelle Nkwe...

  10. Thousands of weapons collected in Bor

    15 March 2012 14 March 2012 - Two days after the South Sudanese government launched a civilian disarmament exercise in Jonglei State, thousands of weapons have been collected in the capital Bor, state officials
