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  1. Still waiting for the education peace benefit

    8 March 2013 8 March 2013 – Although she only possesses a primary school education, Jennifer Kujang is a community leader and head of a women's union.

  2. UNMISS, Warrap state officials visit Tonj and call for peaceful negotiations to end conflict

    17 October 2021 UNMISS and Warrap state authorities recently visited conflict-ridden Tonj to listen to concerns raised by feuding communities and urge for peaceful reconciliation of disputes. Photo by Zejin Yin/UNMISS. ...

  3. Jonglei pastoralist: “These peacekeepers saved my cows”

    16 November 2018 Imagine living in a landlocked country, yet susceptible to succumbing to a calamitous, ocean-longing-inducing disease called East Coast fever.

  4. Ground-breaking peace agreement signed in Jonglei

    7 May 2012 5 April 2012 - Boosting prospects for peace in Jonglei, traditional leaders from six communities signed an historic agreement today in the capital Bor to end inter-tribal conflict in the state.

  5. Local communities and authorities call for dialogue to end revenge attacks in Lakes region

    23 October 2018 Local communities are calling for a peace dialogue to end revenge killings and road ambushes taking place in seven counties of Western Lakes.

  6. UNMISS boosts peacekeeping presence on western Nile to support returning refugees

    27 November 2018... Peters walk for two hours in the sweltering sun to get from their village to school in Kodok.  After laboring over their lessons, they spend several hours selling m ...

  7. UNMISS trains military justice sector representatives on key child protection measures

    17 May 2021 Some 60 participants from the military justice sector attended an UNMISS workshop on the rights of children and the need to protect them when armed conflict arises. Photo by Moses Pasi/UNMISS. “Chil...

  8. Near Verbatim: Press Conference by Mr Nicholas Haysom, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMISS

    24 May 2023 Good morning. I would like to welcome you to this UNMISS Press Conference.

  9. UNMISS facilitates inter-county peace forum in Mayom County

    23 March 2017 UNMISS facilitates inter-county peace forum in Mayom County. More than a hundred people participated in vibrant discussions. The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has facilitated a peace forum ad...

  10. Juba public ponder potential coming of peace as details of agreement are explained

    23 September 2019 A state of mind. An elusive dream. Hard-fought with many casualties. Agreed on. Waiting to happen. Partially achieved. Already here.
