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  1. Anyidi in Jonglei boosted by rare UNMISS medical visit, more to come with road completion

    16 January 2019 Multi-skilled South Korean peacekeepers offered citizens (two- and four-legged) of Anyidi, Jonglei, medical and veterinary services and a tad of traditional drumming. Residents of Anyidi in the Jonglei region...

  2. Bangladeshi peacekeepers step up when it matters, earn UN medals

    15 February 2024 No less than 30 of the 150 Bangladeshi peacekeepers who were awarded UN medals at a ceremony in Wau were women. Photos: Alahayi Nemaya/UNMISS WAU - Take a bow, Bangladesh, because 150 of your finest...

  3. THE SECRETARY-GENERAL -- REMARKS TO THE SECURITY COUNCIL ON SOUTH SUDAN [as delivered] (plus link to full coverage of the SC session)

    24 March 2017 UN Secretary-General António Guterres spoke to members of the Security Council yesterday. (Full coverage of the 23 March 2017 Security Council session on South Sudan here ) Excellencies,

  4. Political leaders call for greater cooperation to implement peace deal in Western Bahr El Ghazal

    15 December 2021... are urging greater cooperation amongst each other, despite their affiliations to different parties, to realize p ...

  5. Indian vets partner with local authorities in Renk to treat livestock

    19 April 2022 Prized assets and companions, and their owners, gathered en masse when UNMISS peacekeepers from India offered free veterinarian services ...

  6. School for a better future, Bentiu children say

    16 June 2013 15 June 2013 - Beseeching them through songs and poems, Unity State children today urged adults to give young people an education so they could become doctors, pilots or teachers.

  7. Against all odds: Bunj’s biker girl becomes a boda boda road safety trailblazer

    11 February 2019 “I would like to ask you all a question.”  

  8. South Sudanese refugees return to Raja, Western Bahr el Ghazal, but face challenges

    7 February 2022 Many South Sudanese who fled for their lives to Sudan when civil war broke out in 2016 have now returned to ... Ghazal. However, they need humanitarian support to rebuild their lives. Photo by Michael Wondi/UNMISS. ...

  9. Peacekeepers and Pariang locals enjoy going the distance at UNMISS fun-run

    18 September 2023... the Mongolian peacekeepers nearing the finishing line of their tour of duty in Pariang. ...

  10. Rwandese police unit in Malakal awarded medals for peacekeeping services

    30 October 2018 White gloves were raised high in well-synchronized moves as police officers belonging to the Rwandese Formed Police Unit marched in seamless coordination.
