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  1. Catastrophic flooding affects thousands of families in conflict-ridden Pibor

    13 October 2017 Catastrophic flooding affects thousands of families in conflict-ridden Pibor Thousands of families already struggling because of ongoing violence in Pibor are in desperate need of further assistance after se...

  2. Women Protection Officer, P-3

    12 December 2011... to be considered for this temporary assignment may indicate their interest by email to by close of business on ... the above TVA number in the subject line and enclosing their up-to-date Personal History Profile (PHP), available from , as well as a copy of their two most recent performance evaluation reports. ...

  3. Peacekeepers host free medical camp in Juba

    15 February 2012 14 February 2012 - As part of its efforts to draw closer to the community, the UNMISS Bangladesh Military Medical Battalion held a camp today at Gumbo village, in the South Sudanese capital of Juba

  4. UNDP concludes ICT training for Western Equatoria officials

    24 February 2012 22 February 2012 – Attempting to close a technology gap in Western Equatoria State, the UN Development Program (UNDP) concluded a 10-day Information Communication Technology (ICT) training for gove

  5. Women show fishing skills in Wau

    9 March 2012... 8 March 2012 – A group of enterprising women demonstrated their skills with fishing nets in making their livings during a celebration today in the Western Bahr El-Ghazal State ...

  6. UNMISS, UNODC donate items to prisons in Warrap State

    21 August 2012... a variety of food and non-food items to female inmates and their children in three prisons in Warrap State. ...

  7. Malakal prison staff and inmates learn English

    19 December 2012 18 December 2012 - To enhance the communication skills of prisoners and staff, UNMISS began a series of English literacy classes today at Malakal Central Prison, Upper Nile State.

  8. DDR concludes brick-molding project in Jonglei

    10 June 2013 10 June 2013 - Concluding a brick-molding project today in Pariak, Jonglei State, UNMISS and the state government handed out buckets, carpets, wheelbarrows, shovels, brick molds, helmets, gumboots

  9. UNMISS engineers help control fresh Bor floods

    12 November 2013... residents control fresh floods that have displaced them from their homes. ...

  10. Melut IDPs need food and water, humanitarian official says

    18 March 2014 16 March 2014 - Displaced people living at UNMISS and two other camps in Melut, Upper Nile State, desperately needed food and water, the top humanitarian official in So
