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  1. UNMISS engineers construct 307 kilometer road, boost peaceful coexistence, development

    21 March 2023 Improving road conditions across South Sudan continues to be a priority for UNMISS peacekeepers and South Korean engineers have recently completed a 307-kilometer road connecting Bor, Akobo, Pibor and Gumuruk. Photo by Mach Samuel...

  2. South Sudan commits to freedom of journalists on radio day

    13 February 2013 13 February 2013 - As the world commemorated World Radio Day today, the South Sudanese government emphasized its commitment to protect freedom of expression and information.

  3. “It’s hard to build peace while hiding behind a mask”: James Katunge, Rwanda

    26 November 2020... Unit in Malakal pictured during a medal parade honouring their contributions towards building durable peace in South Sudan. These UNPOL ... its ranks. 31 women police officers currently serve with their male counterparts here. James Katunge grew up ...

  4. UNMISS 'Sports for Peace' event gathers diverse crowd of many thousands in Bentiu

    13 June 2023 More than a couple of games, the recent Sports for Peace event in Bentiu united a massive crowd of people for a few precious hours together. Photos: Peter Bateman/UNMISS UNITY – The adage is o...

  5. Rising flood levels spell dire situation in greater Jonglei

    29 October 2019 Several days of torrential rains have left wide swaths of Greater Jonglei devastated and its inhabitants both flabbergasted and displaced.

  6. Amnesty decries rights abuses in South Sudan

    29 July 2016... An Amnesty official has spoken out against what she said were rights abuses in South Sudan, charging that the ...

  7. First boarding school opens in Western Equatoria

    17 June 2014 16 June 2014 - Hundreds of people in Ibba County, Western Equatoria, today witnessed the opening of the first ever primary boarding school in the state.

  8. Healing, hope, reconciliation triple focus of two-week sensitization drive in Western Equatoria

    6 December 2021 UNMISS and local authorities in Western Equatoria have begun a two-week sensitization drive aimed at building trust and confidence among those who have been affected by violence in the greater Tambura region for the past several m...

  9. Denied access to conflict-affected areas around Wau aggravates humanitarian situation of population

    27 August 2018 With the UN, humanitarian actors and ceasefire monitors still being denied access to conflict-affected areas to the west and southwest of Wau, it is likely that the situation for remaining resident

  10. Green Bentiu Initiative – Pakistani peacekeepers encourage planting hope amid climate shocks

    5 June 2024 Since 2021, Bentiu, South Sudan, has been in the grip of unrelenting floods. UNMISS peacekeepers from Pakistan have, therefore, actioned a new initiative that aims to restore the damage to the regions flora by planting 500 native ...
