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  1. UNPOL helping to build trust in South Sudanese police

    17 February 2015 16 February 2015 - South Sudanese officers were needed to run UNMISS-built police posts in creating secure conditions for Juba's displaced people to return home, the UN Police (UNPOL) chief said to

  2. South Sudan launches “Back to Learning Campaign”

    20 February 2015 19 February 2015 - The South Sudanese government and people must double efforts to make illiteracy history, President Salva Kiir said in Juba today as he launched a “Back to Learning Campaign”.

  3. UNMISS hands over police post to Wau County

    13 March 2015 12 March 2015 - To promote peace and security in Wau County, UNMISS today handed over a police post to the county’s police commission.

  4. UNMISS hands over school building to Wau municipality

    1 April 2015 31 March 2015 - Wau municipality in Western Bahr El-Ghazal State today has received a school building, handed over by UNMISS as one of the mission’s Quick Impact Projects (QIPs).

  5. HIV/AIDS counselors receive training in Unity State

    15 May 2015 14 May 2014 - To enhance their knowledge of modern testing practices, 18 HIV/AIDS counselors today ...

  6. Bentiu displaced children commemorate Day of the African Child

    23 June 2015 20 June 2015 - Insecurity in Unity State had become the leading cause for children’s failure to attend school, UNMISS Child Protection Officer Erasmus Migyikra said today in the state capital Bent

  7. UK delegation visits Upper Nile to assess security

    20 November 2015 Aiming to assess security and the situation of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Upper Nile, a high-level United Kingdom (UK) delegation visited the state today.

  8. UNMISS holds conflict transformation workshop for political parties in Wau

    19 November 2015 Political parties are expected to play a vital role in creating sustainable peace in post-conflict societies, an UNMISS official said in the Western Bahr El-Ghazal State capital Wau today.

  9. UNMISS official urges churches in Bentiu to continue to play important role in promoting peace

    25 December 2015 UNMISS Unity State Coordinator urged churches in South Sudan to continue the important role they have been playing to promote peace and reconciliation in the country.

  10. 50 Fire Brigade recruits graduate in Yambio

    14 March 2016... from fire outbreak and other related hazards which affect their com ...
