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  1. Unity commissioners learn human rights, governance

    22 November 2013 22 November 2013 - Seeking to improve human rights in Unity State, including conditions for prisoners, UNMISS held a workshop for nine county and police commissioners t

  2. Indian Battalion provides veterinary services in Jonglei

    10 September 2013... in Jonglei State to control the spread of diseases among their livestock, UNMISS Indian Battalion veterinary doctors are conducting ...

  3. WFP suspends operations in two Upper Nile counties

    23 April 2015 22 April 2014 - The World Food Programme (WFP) is re-assessing its ability to work in some parts of Upper Nile State because of increasing concerns about staff safety, the UN agency said in a press

  4. BBC Trust hosts government-media seminar in Wau

    30 October 2011 26 October 2011 – In an effort to improve relations between government and media in Western Bahr El-Ghazal State, the BBC World Service Trust held a one-day relationship-building seminar in the cap

  5. Trade fair uncovers South Sudan’s agricultural potential

    14 November 2011 11 November 2011 – Aiming to explore farming possibilities and draw investors, South Sudan held its first agricultural trade fair at Nyakuro...

  6. SPLA striving to work with communities

    5 September 2012 3 September 2012 - The Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) had assisted Western Bahr El-Ghazal (WBEG) with education, medical care and mine clearing, an SPLA officer said today in Wau.

  7. Police learn to build confidence and trust

    8 June 2015 5 June 2015 - In a continuing effort to draw police and local residents closer together, 38 Central Equatoria State officers graduated from a confidence an

  8. - UNMISS peacekeepers repel attack on base in famine area

    4 May 2017 UNMISS peacekeepers repel attack on base in famine area An attack on a United Nations base has been strongly condemned by the head of the UN Mission in

  9. Police in Jonglei: Capacity building by UNMISS is good for us and for the public

    10 August 2022... Police Officers in Bor received diplomas for their participation in a workshop organized by UN colleagues. Photo: David ...

  10. UNMISS trains journalists and police on ethical reporting on gender-based violence

    20 December 2023 UN Police serving with UNMISS in Jonglei and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area has held a training on ethical reporting on incidents of gender-based violence. Photos by Mach Samuel/UNMISS. JONGLEI...
